Language Arts

Weekly Extra Credit Assignment

April 30 – May 17

This is a list of additional extra credit assignments for the remaining part of the year:

1.  Science Trivia Board Project – This assignment was given to most Science students in the 8th grade.  Please see Mr. Brewster or Mr. Robinson for a project description if you would like to work on it.  This is a project grade for Science class; however, the trivia topics that you choose may vary.  You can receive up to 12 tickets in Language Arts if you follow these rules when completing your Science project:

The trivia questions should be related to Language Arts.  (Think of the things you’ve learned throughout the year in this class.)

The board is neatly decorated.

You allow me to keep the board after it has been graded in your Science class.

The project must be turned in to Science classes by May 6.  I will accept the project after it has been returned to the students and once I receive the project, the student will get 10 tickets.  If the student shows me a finished project on May 5, I will give the student 12 tickets instead of the original 10. 

2.  Spelling Bee on May 10

Study the remaining spelling lessons in order to do well at the Spelling Bee!  You will compete against your other classmates on this day.   We will ask you to spell random words from spelling lessons 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35.  You will get one ticket for each word that you spell correctly. 

3.  Book Study

On-Level Book:  To Kill a Mockingbird

Advanced Book:  The Giver

Everyone participating in this extra credit assignment must read the assigned book.  While reading, the student will write two comments per page to summarize what is happening at that particular place in the book.  Once the student hands me the book (filled with two comments per page,) the student will receive ten tickets.

After the first portion of the extra credit assignment has been fulfilled, the student has the option to complete two more related assignments. 

The student has the opportunity to compete a packet that goes with the assigned novel.  Each student will obtain 10 tickets for completing the packet.

The student also has the opportunity to write a 5-paragraph essay in response to an essay prompt.  I will give the prompt to the student upon request.  The essay is worth 5 tickets. 

All assignments related to the Book Study will be due no later than May 17, 2010.



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